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ASOFAMECH participa en la Primera Reunión de Presidentes de Asociaciones de Facultades de Medicina de la Red Andina

Durante los días 24 y 25 de marzo, se realizó la Primera Reunión de Presidentes de Asociaciones de Facultades de Medicina de la Red Andina, en la Universidad de Aconcagua, en Mendoza, Argentina. En la instancia, participaron el Dr.Antonio Orellana, Presidente de la Asociación de Facultades de Medicina de Chile (ASOFAMECH), y Director del Área Sudamericana de la Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina (FEPAFEM); y el Dr. Mauricio Soto, representante de ASOFAMECH en FEPAFEM.

En la actividad se reunieron representantes de Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela, quienes participaron de reuniones de trabajo, y además, tuvieron algunos puntos de encuentro social en las dependencias de la Universidad de Aconcagua.


AFMC calls on academic health institutions to endorse Declaration on Planetary Health

QUÉBEC CITY, QUÉBEC – April 15, 202 The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) launched the Academic Health Institutions’ Declaration on Planetary Health today at the International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM). AFMC is encouraging academic health institutions to endorse the Declaration, which declares the health of the planet a Code Red emergency and calls for immediate implementation of planetary health education and research, and the transition to climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems to build a healthy, sustainable, and just future for all.

Climate change is recognized as the greatest threat to health in the twenty-first century. Academic health institutions have a distinct responsibility to educate, train, and prepare health professionals to respond to and advocate for the health needs of society, from the individual to the populational level and from a local to a global level.

The declaration, which was developed by Canadian and international medical education and planetary health experts, calls on all academic health institutions to take immediate action to halt both the negative impact of their activities on the planet’s natural systems, and to institute adaptive and regenerative measures, including through advocacy. The declaration details an action plan for academic health institutions to advance planetary health education and research by actively addressing environmental, social, and structural determinants of health. Further, the declaration adopts a community-based approach and calls for signatories to advocate for investments in public health, primary care, and health system climate resilience.

All 17 faculties of medicine in Canada have endorsed the Declaration.


“Faculties of Medicine have a social and environmental accountability mandate to educate future and practicing health professionals and conduct research that will improve the health of the populations they serve. Considerable evidence indicates that climate change is already causing human morbidity and mortality in complex and interdependent ways, disproportionately affecting marginalized populations including people living in poverty, racialized people, Indigenous Peoples, elderly, children, and women around the world.”

Dr. Julien Poitras, Chair of the AFMC Standing Committee on Social Accountability and Dean of Medicine, Université Laval

“We are pleased to report that every Faculty of Medicine in Canada has endorsed this declaration. Our hope is that other institutions will also recognize the important role they play in planetary health and take immediate action by endorsing the declaration”.

Dr. Geneviève Moineau, AFMC President and CEO

Two more agencies awarded WFME Recognition Status

Two accrediting agencies have been awarded Recognition Status by the World Federation of Medical Education – Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) and Philippine Accrediting Association for Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). Both agencies have been recognised for the full term of 10 years.

Malaysian Medical Council (MMC)

Press Release

MMC website

Philippine Accrediting Association for Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)

Press Release

PAASCU website

To find out more about the WFME Recognition Programme follow this link: WFME Recognition Programme

Presidente FEPAFEM participa en reunión de Federación Mundial de Educación Médica

Presidente FEPAFEM participa en reunión de Federación Mundial de Educación Médica

El presidente de la Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina (FEPAFEM) y decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), doctor Marcos Núñez Cuervo,  participó durante los días 11 y 12 de Abril, en la reunión de Primavera del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Federación Mundial de Educación  Médica (WFME).

Durante la jornada se analizaron diferentes tópicos sobre educación médica de grado; estándares para el postgrado, acreditación internacional y reconocimiento de agencias acreditadoras en el mundo; así como aspectos relacionados con el futuro de la Educación médica, y cómo realizar sinergias y colaboraciones para contribuir a mejorar la formación de los recursos humanos, bajo nuestra responsabilidad , y en búsqueda de una sociedad más equitativa, justa e inclusiva

En la reunión estuvieron presentes por parte de la WFME los doctores Ricardo León, presidente; Genèvieve Moineau, vicepresidente; David Gordon, pasado presidente, y los presidentes de las 6 regiones del mundo, así como los demás miembros del Consejo directivo (INTEALTH, OMS, WMA, IFMSA, JDN).

El  evento fue realizado en formato híbrido desde el salón de conferencias Plaines del Hotel Hilton Quebec, en la ciudad de Quebec, Canada.

Fuente: Diario Salud

WFME and the International Chair in Bioethics

WFME President Professor Ricardo León-Bórquez met with Dr Russell D’Souza to be appointed a member of the International Council of the Department of Education of the International Chair in Bioethics (a World  Medical Association Cooperating Centre, formerly in official agreement with UNESCO).

WFME appreciates this important link to an organisation that aims to coordinate and stimulate an International Network of Institutes for Medical Ethics Training, associate higher  education institutes in both the developed and developing countries, and to develop an up-to-date syllabus for medical ethics education.